Friday, August 22, 2008

Is There An Answer?

Is there an Answer?

We live in a time of one of the most aggressive transfer of wealth ever experienced in history. There are more millionaires created in the world annually than ever before. The mean income in the U.S. is higher than ever before, and yet….The middle income group is very quickly becoming extinct. We are becoming a country of the very rich and the very poor. The middle class, family of four, owes the government almost 600,000.00….Why? Because the government shortfall, the difference between the U.S. assets and liabilities, is so great, that every person in the country owes 147,000.00 to cover the debt. The last time we had a zero deficit was in 1931, the year following what we call the “great depression.” The shortfall as of a month ago was 67 trillion. Here is what it looks like. 67,000,000,000,000.00 There isn’t that much money in the combined stock markets of the U.S.

The dollar has fallen in value by 50% since 1976. Take 100.00, print another 100.00 out of nothing and the first 100.00 is worth 50.00, this is what the Federal Reserve has done. When the government needed more the Feds would just make it then loan it to the Government. By the way, The Federal Reserve is neither Federal or a Reserve. It is a privately owned entity that works independently from the U.S. government. When there is a need to have more money in circulation, the Federal Reserve prints it and loans it to the country and the result is , the dollar is devalued more and the debt goes up.

Recession, Depression, Inflation, Deficit, National Debt, Personal Debt, and on, and on, and on…..Is there an answer for the country as a whole? I hope so. Is there an answer for us as individuals? Yes there is and maybe the answer is the same. Financial Education and personal responsibility. I can’t fix the situation that we, as a country, is in. I can help myself, and teach others how to do the same thing. Maybe this is the fix for the country as well, I hope so, because it is all I can offer….